~Alarm went off at 5:15am...snoozed it til 6:00, I just could not get out of bed
~Got ready, got Hailey up, bribed her with marshmallows to get her to pee in the potty, got her ready and left the house at 7:05
~Drove 15 minutes to get to the sitters, drove 15 minutes to get to work
~Got to work and realized it was a birthday day so it was a jeans day...I was late leaving the house because I couldn't find something to wear...I could have just thrown on jeans, darn it
~Worked 8 hours w/ a group birthday lunch at noon eaten in the office
~Left work at almost 4:40, rushed across town, 15 minute drive to pick up Hailey
~15 minute drive home
~Walk in the front door, see my cat staring at me because she's starving to death and realize I forgot to leave work at noon and go get her some food
~Put Hailey's coat back on her and usher her back out the door into the car
~Drive 15 minutes across town to the vet because of course her food is prescription food which means it's only available at the vet...across town...
~Find out one of the girls at the vet had her baby Saturday, almost 9 lbs!! (my friend's parents own the clinic so I know all the people that work there, it's nice)
~Drag Hailey away from the fish tank...she's scared of but intrigued by the Plecostamus (sp??) --to give her some credit, it is the biggest one I've ever seen in my life!
~Drive 15 minutes back home (get home sometime after 6:00pm), get Hailey inside, shoes and coats off, Ratatouille on the TV...
~Defrost chub of ground turkey while unloading dishwasher
~My sister drops by to bring me my cake pan, talk to her for a few minutes, promise to help her unpack/clean her new place Thursday night
~Put in load of laundry
~Cook dinner while trying to upload the pictures from my camera onto my computer for the 50th time, something's screwed up...finally get it to work!
~Get Hailey some juice, show her what we're having for dinner
~Eat dinner
~Load dishwasher
~Put away dinner
~Attempt to fold a load of clothes...too wrinkled
~Give Hailey a bath, get her pjs on etc.
~Put load of laundry in dryer, put a load of towels in the washer
~Play with Hailey for a little while
~Put Hailey to bed at 9:00pm
~Take some Maalox, I'm feeling sick again, BOO :(
~Give myself a bath
~Scan article on parenting boys from Parenting magazine because my friend asked me to send it to her and I promised I would try...got the email sent! (This is a big accomplishment, I didn't know how to use the scanner!)
~Type this blog post while trying to let my hair air dry a bit before I go to bed
~Take the load of laundry out of the dryer and fold before it wrinkles, put towels in dryer
~Get fancy gift box out of hall closet to take to work tomorrow for my boss's baby gift
~Make myself go to bed! (11:00pm)
God I'm tired! (I realize half this post is in past tense and half is in a sort of "to do" list form...sorry, I'm too tired to go back and fix it!)
Good news though, I found out today our application was approved for a community here in town...we're on the waiting list for a unit! Yay!