Joanna over at Jo-Jo's Place has given me my first ever blogging award! I am super excited and feel very honored!! Thank you Joanna!!

Now to pass the award on to two friends!!
First I'm going to give the award to
Ashley. She's mom to an adorable little girl named Paisley. I've been reading her blog for a long time now and we've connected through MySpace, Facebook and email! It's a shame we don't live closer because I think we could be good friends in "real" life!
The other person I'm giving the award to is
Kristin. I think her blog was the 2nd blog I started reading regularly and she's still one of my favorites. Her son Logan is about the same age as Hailey and he's absolutely ADORABLE! And now she's adding another adorable little boy to the's going to be so neat to see this little boy grow up just like I've seen his older brother grow and change over the years! Sometimes my blogging buddies come up in conversations I'm having with my friends and family and Kristin is one of those that pops up in our conversations from time to time...the most recent was her appearance on a TV show my mom and I love, and I was able to share that with my mom...she thought it was too cool that I knew somebody appearing on one of our favorite shows! It's funny how you can not know a person or family in "real life" but still have them pop into your head at random when Hailey asked to take her Cars to bed one night, I thought of Logan sleeping with his cars every night just like Hailey sleeps with her stuffed animals. Even if there comes a time when I quit doing Life As We Know It, I'll continue to read Kristin's blog! I hope she continues her blog for many more years to come!
Awww, thanks! That's very flattering :)
It is kind of funny how you get to "know" families through blogging. I had to laugh at the cars comment - he still does this! Anyway, I have a feeling I'll be blogging for many years to come. I hope you do to!
Wait-What tv show????? Did I miss something? And we DO live close enough to be friends silly girl. Just meet halfway, not too bad. :)
I swear I sent you an email Ashley! It was when I got to tag along with photographer friend on her House Hunters episode.
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