Thursday, May 31, 2007

I've got a pretty good slice...

I may not be the girl with the most cake, but my life is pretty good. I'm trying not to worry anymore. I'm still on the fence about the job issue, but I have some time to think about it. I'm not going to worry about maybe quitting after the next baby. And I'm not going to worry anymore about the next baby. The minute I start to think about waiting, maybe putting it off 6 months or a year, I start to feel all sad, and I picture the little bundle in my head, and I just really feel like it's just meant to happen. No matter what happens after that, we'll be a family, and we'll have each other, and we'll be so happy! So, no more worrying about that for now. Another great awesome husband...he's been amazing for over a week now! Helping with dishes, helping pick up, did I mention HELPING WITH DISHES?!?! He's been so great. Supportive, not getting pissed off at me when I do things like wake him up in the morning...oh yea, and NOT hounding me for sex! Talk about awesome. Things have just been going great. I am a little stressed about Hailey's birthday party coming up next Saturday, but not overly stressed like I was the last time we were planning it. All I really have to do is buy a few more supplies, get the crap out of the dining room, get the balloons ordered(doing that Monday of next week), sending out the invites this weekend and wrapping her gifts. It sounds like a lot, but I'm doing a bit each day next week, so it'll be ok! And I'm not worrying about my house looking perfect. I'm not perfect. If people don't like it, they can kiss my butt. There are more things in life than a perfect house. Like spending time with my wonderful daughter...she was such a good girl tonight! We ran by my friend's house, where she stood up for herself when my friend's 2 yr. old daughter was taking all of Hailey's things away, yet she also played very nicely(she was so upset when this little girl took her shoes away from her...Hailey LOVES her shoes, I mean LOVES them...all of them...she loves to wear them, and pick out new shoes at the store, and put them on and take them off...she cherishes her shoes...she's definately a girl). We came home and she wandered around playing in her room and the living room, finally deciding on carrying her baby around the house singing "bayo baby" cute...she ate well, as always, only got one noodle on the floor on accident. Ate a plum for dessert...I cannot stress how well her eating is going lately. She hardly ever makes messes anymore. She sits in her little booster on the living room floor, eats her food off her plate, and tells me when she's done. She gets food all over herself, but I don't even have to put down a towel anymore under her booster. It's amazing. We're still not working on using utensils, but I figure we can work on that later. Then she helped me clean herself off(she wipes herself off with baby wipes). Then she watched me use the potty. Last night she watched me sit down, and said "see pee pee!" so I raised up a bit to show her I was peeing. She thinks that's the coolest thing. Then I showed her you have to wipe, and then she said "bye bye pee pee" and she shut the lid for me and flushed the toilet. How cool is that?? Tonight she watched me, flushed and said bye bye, and then we put her little potty lid on the toilet and took off her britches and sat her on it. For a second there I thought she was actually going to go! She was pushing and everything!! I could hear a little toot escape from her trying & pushing!! Then I gave her a piece of toilet paper and she tried to wipe, and then said bye bye pee pee. So potty training may not be too far off I think! After that we watched her Curious Buddies movie while I picked up and organized some of her toys. Then she went to bed at 8:45, no problems at all. It couldn't have been a more perfect night. I came home to a clean kitchen(thanks to my wonderful husband), my daughter was absolutely perfect...I have no complaints!

While I'm on the subject of Hailey...the sitter told me that today she said a sentence of 3 words...she couldn't remember what she said, but she said she did say 3 words in a row. She's talking so much now, I can't even keep up with the word list!! I think it's funny, we figured out when she says "ay" she means yes. If you ask her if she wants something she'll say "ay." She's not really doing her "more" sign anymore...I guess she figures why, when she can talk.

We found out today Preggo at work is having another little girl. I can't wait to see what we'll have next! I honestly don't care either way!!

I'm going to go read in bed and try to get some rest...thank God tomorrow's Friday!

By the way...Hailey rocks the goggle look...


1 comment:

Ashley said...

Yeah, I can ALMOST see H's face!